
Thursday, March 15, 2012

San Onofre Beach

One of my favorite memories of living on Camp Pendelton was my time spent at San Onofre beach.  It was my last two years of high school and I loved hanging out at the beach.

San Onofre beach was within walking distance of my house and I would go pretty much everyday.  The nice thing about San Onofre beach was that it was on the base.  The civilian public did not have access, so we had the whole beach to ourselves.  My family lived in a trailer on the beach for two weeks while we waited for housing to become available.  If it was up to me; I would still be living in that trailer.

After we got housing, I would walk down to the beach whenever I wanted.  I would hang out with my friends and go boogy boarding or body surfing.  Boogy boarding is a poor man's version of surfing.  You use a wide board about three feet long that you lay down on instead of standing up like you would on a surfboard.  A lot easier to master than a surfboard and a lot cheaper.

It was like having a rollercoaster ride whenever you wanted for free.  You would occasionally wipe out, which could hurt.  The ocean is very powerful and isn't afraid to remind you of that.

Frequently, I think about the times I spent on that beach and I miss the ocean.  I enjoy living where I do now, but sometimes the ocean calls to me and it is difficult not to answer.

Bye for now.


  1. Boogy surfing sounds like the way to go if someone doesn't know how to surf. I'll keep that in mind next time I go to the beach. LoL~~~

  2. It sound really fun but my only problem is i cant swim so im not sure about that for
