
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fish Bandit: Fish Tale II

In my last post I described that are three locations on Camp Pendleton to go fishing.  This story revolves around Casey Springs.

Casey Springs is located up in the high country of Camp Pendleton.  It is a set of natural springs set on top of hilly plateau.  Bryan and I had a friend we would occasionally fish with whose name is Mike.  On this day, Mike's Dad, drove the four of us up the dirt road to go fishing at Casey Springs.

Casey Springs was known for being a good spot for Largemouth Bass.  We were not disappointed.  We were doing pretty good.  Casey Springs was a perfect place to go fishing, except for one thing.  Casey Springs was home to a notorious fish bandit.  A large golden eagle called Casey Springs home.  He would perch in this old dead tree right next to the fishing hole and wait for an unsuspecting fisherman to make a mistake.

If you didn't put your stringer of fish deep enough in the water, he would swoop down and take your whole stringer of fish.  He would then sit in that old tree and eat your fish right in front of you almost daring you to try to get them back.  The eagle was smart he would wait until the stringer was full.  Well Mike's Dad made that mistake the eagle was waiting for.  He dropped down from his perch and grabbed our whole stringer of fish with his talons.  He then flew back into that tree with his prize and proceeded to eat our, I mean his, fish right in front of us without any guilt what so ever.  Several empty stringers decorated that old dead tree like trophies.  They were a testament to his ability as a fish bandit.

You might wonder how a bird could bully four men so easily, not all of us were grown men but you get the point.  Golden eagles are large.  Golden eagles have a sharp beak and large talons.  He was very intimidating.  There was no way I was going to mess with that bird, especially over a stringer of fish and besides he was obviously the better fisherman.

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