
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Stand Your Ground" is a License to KIll

I find the recent news from Florida concerning the death of Trayvon Martin very disturbing.  The "Stand Your Ground" law in Florida in simple terms expands the parameters of what is considered self-defense.  The law states that a citizen has the right to use deadly force if they "reasonably believe" they are in danger.  The law also states that a citizen does not have a duty to retreat from any possible dangerous situation and has the right to stand his or her ground.

In my opinion that law made George Zimmerman feel confident to use deadly force without constraint against Trayvon Martin.    Zimmeran has made forty six 911 calls over the last six years reporting different situations many which included "suspicious" black men.  He aspires to be a police officer.  The law itself creates an environment that encourages people, like Zimmerman, to use deadly force, and be a fantasy police officer without the restrictions and rules that law enforcement professionals are required to operate under.  Policemen have to answer for every bullet they fire while on duty.

Let's look at the facts.  The Florida law took effect in 2005.  Since 2005 over twenty states have adopted similar laws.  In Florida, homicides categorized as justifiable have nearly tripled since the law has been enacted.    In Florida there are eighteen cases resulting in the death of an "aggressor" were no arrests were made because there were no witnesses.  The Florida law has been used by drug dealers and other criminals to eliminate rivals.  Representative Baxley, who authored the bill, claims that there have been a decrease in violent crimes in Florida since the law went into effect.  That is true, but it is also true that those rates were dropping before 2005 as well and apparently are not a result of the "Stand Your Ground" law.

Let's look at recent developments in the Trayvon Martin case.  Geraldo Rivera on Fox News stated that wearing a hoodie resulted in the incident taking Trayon's life.  Really, Geraldo; that is one of most ridiculous things I have ever heard.  I guess, the parents of Trayvon are at fault because they dressed him in a hoodie.  Rivera's comments triggered an overwhelming angry response and he has since apologized for his language but not the substance of his advice.  Information about Trayon being suspended three times from school has been released.  I still don't see the point in the stories about Trayvon's suspensions.  Is the argument that bad behavior in high school is a capital offense in Florida?  How does that justify the killing?  It doesn't matter if he was suspended in this case.  If he is running for class president, then we'll talk.

Joe Oliver, a friend of George Zimmerman, has been making the rounds on news talk shows defending his friend.  He states that Zimmeran was attacked by Trayon after losing track of him while he returned to his SUV.  He also claims Zimmerman had a broken nose and lacerations on the back of his head as a result of that alleged attack.  I personally don't believe that version of the story and here is why:  George Zimmeran weighs 200 pounds, Trayvon weighs 140; do you believe a 17 year old boy would attack a 200 pound man or would he just run away?  There is one major part of this story that is being missed; doesn't that very same "Stand Your Ground" law also apply to Trayvon Martin?  Did he not also have the right under the law to defend himself?

The Sanford Police after arriving at the scene of Trayvon Martin's death took Zimmeran's statement.  Zimmerman claimed that Martin punched him the nose which knocked him down.  Then, according to Zimmerman, Martin got on top him and start banging his head against the sidewalk.  As a result of Zimmerman's statement the police stated there was no probable cause for an arrest.  So he was released.  Trayvon Martin is dead so there is no one to dispute Zimmerman's claims.  We may never really learn what the actual truth is in regard to this unfortunate exchange between Martin and Zimmerman.  Regardless of what the details of the confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman really are, one fact remains:  The Florida law itself created the environment that made all of these tragic consequences possible.

I feel that these "Stand Your Ground" laws in Florida and other states are a recipe for disaster.  They create more violence then they prevent.  Bottom line; they are not necessary.  When Baxley, the author of the Florida law, was asked to name one case where a person defending themselves was charged with a crime, he could not.  I believe these laws create an environment that encourages violence.  As it is now, if you want to legally commit murder in Florida all you  have do is ensure there are no witnesses.  Dead men tell no tales.  The only person who can dispute your claim of self-defense is your victim.

Trayon Martin was suspended from high school 3 times and George Zimmeran was previously arrested for domestic violence, resisting an officer with violence which was lowered to resisting an officer without violence.  All of Zimmerman's cases were closed with no charges.  How can a person with a violent past get a concealed weapons permit to carry a 9mm handgun?  Maybe Robert Zimmerman can answer that question.  Who is Robert Zimmerman?  He's George's father, a retired Orange County magistrate judge.

1 comment:

  1. This situation is scary and makes me angry too. I have a lot of family who live in Florida. I do not want their lives to be in danger because of people like Zimmerman and the laws of the state.
