
Monday, February 20, 2012

Spanish Crocodile

One day at the house where I wrote about the goat in a previous post we had a reptilian visitor.  Before I get ahead of myself, let me say lizards there were LARGE, about two feet in length, the photo is actually of the species in question.  The window in the bathroom was usually left often because of the nice southern Spain weather.  Well my mother went into the bathroom to close the window in question and found one of these large lizards reclining in our bathtub after coming through the open window.

The lizard hastily greeted her with a loud hiss which prompted my mother to go next door to ask our neighbor for help with the unwanted visitor.  Mike was home from work that day and came over to assist with animal control.  When Mike saw the lizard he said a word my six year old ears had never heard before, but have heard a lot since.  He also thought when my mom said "lizard" she was talking about a two inch gecko and not this two foot long crocodile as he was now calling it.  Me, I was loving it, first a pet goat now a two foot long lizard in the bathtub this place was much more interesting than the States.

Mike began the task of capturing the "crocodile" with a large trash can and a broom.  It reminded me more of watching a lion tamer at the circus then a grown man trying to capture a lizard, lots of cussing and hissing.  It took awhile, but Mike was eventually successful with his capture and released the lizard safely outside.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. If I ever see a lizard, I will probably scream or something.
