
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blog Assignment Wk 4: Top 5

I am going to discuss my top five movies of all time.  To be honest this list would probably change based on my mood.  It is a dynamic list without a doubt.

  1. To Kill A Mockingbird:  My all time favorite.  A great movie based on a great book. A movie ahead of its time with a message.  Gregory Peck epitomizes what a movie star should represent, good actor and a good person.  First movie, I think, that Robert Duvall was in playing Boo Bradley.
  2. Lawrence of Arabia:  Beautifully shot movie.  It's like a work of art.  Great cast, little trivia for you the sheik is played by Alec Guinness, you know him better as the original Obi-Wan from the first Star Wars.
  3. Rear Window: A great Alfred Hitchcock thriller.  Stars Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly.  Grace Kelly before she became royalty.  She is absolutely gorgeous in this movie.  The movie is mostly shot from just one setting, the rear window view of Jimmy Stewart's apartment.
  4. Star Wars:  This movies makes my list because of its impact on the movies that came after.  This movie became huge almost totally by word of mouth.  It had very little advertising to promote it.  Set the mark for special effects in movies today.
  5. Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark:  The perfect summer movie.  Invented what we define as a summer blockbuster today.  It's almost a perfect movie, got a little of everything. It is a very entertaining movie. 


  1. i loved Rear Window. I think is so much better than the new version Disturbia.

  2. I remember reading to kill a mocking bird my freshman year, it was a really good book!I never watched the movie though but I'm sure it is enjoyable.

  3. The Indiana Jones movie--are you referring to the original one ("Raiders of the Lost Ark")? It's a favorite of mine too. So much action, so much drama, so much fun!!

  4. yes Raiders of the Lost Ark is the one I'm referring to
