
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Theme or Not to Theme?

I have debated on whether I wanted my blog to follow a theme this semester, or was it better just to go with whatever nonsense happened to pop in my head?  I've decided to follow a theme.  I figured it would be easier to decide what to write about and make more sense if I knew the subject.  Give the whole project some structure if you will.

I'm a military brat, so I going to blog about stories that happened to me when I was a much younger person living on various military bases.  I was a military brat during the 60s and 70s.  The only time I didn't live on a base during that time was when my father went to Vietnam in 1967.  I have lived on eight different military bases from California to Spain.  The longest time I spent at one base was when I lived in Rota, Spain for 3 years from 1968 to 1971.  I went to nine different schools within 12 grades.  I would always be asked by friends if I hated moving so much.  I would always reply the following to that question:  Compared to what?  In other words I didn't know what it was like not to move.  I am glad I moved so much and got to live in so many different places and meet so many different types of people.  I believe it has made me a better person.

We will get into more stories next time.  Good-bye for now.


  1. I think you have a great idea on your theme. I too was a military brat (and military spouse), so your strories will be interesting, I am sure! I have not been to Spain but did live in the Azores and in Turkey and visited Italy.

  2. I think you are the only person in the class who stuck to a theme all semester! I was debating on whether to do a theme or not, but I couldn't come up with any good ideas, so I just stuck to writing whatever random things popped in my head that day. I read some of your other blogs and found them to be very interesting. I have lived in one place my whole life, so I don't know what it is like to move around to different place and meet new people. When I'm older, I hope to have time to travel so I can see and experience things all over the world.
